The European Union will be soon a consolidated "state" which will start to dictate the norms and regulations of the world as the U.S. has done since the end of the Second World War. China (with or without the rest of eastern Asia) will become the runner-up to this acquisition of power and the rest of the world will listen and obey as they have done for hundreds of years.
Some efforts are starting to occur, like the South American Community of Nations (CSN) (Comunidad Sudamericana de Naciones / Comunidade Sul-Americana de Nações (CSN)). This is an opportunity to unite, wake up and fight for equality and payback for so many years of being treated as the underdogs of the new world.
Sad but true, Colombia is the second country which recieves more "finacial aid" from the United States (Israel is the first one). This fact makes Colombia a burden and an obstacle to create a consolidated union. South America is having great changes where Colombia has not been invited, is not welcomed or where Colombia is just to afraid to turn their back to the americans. The new vision of "left is not bad" (e.g. Brazil and Venezuelan governement political tendencies), has taken Colombia for surprise after we elected a right-wing governement (and may re-elect it in a year).
Alone we are not going to go anywhere... unity is the solution. Look how "good" are doing european underdogs like Portugal and Greece. If there is a heavy and strong motor, it will drag the others with it. Probaly in the case of South America, Brazil and Chile will become like the Germany and France of the EU. But only until that union occurs, and all the parties are willing to fight for a common goal, only then we might fight hand by hand with the other big fishes in the sea.
Together we are Power, apart we are Pow Wow
South America