Taken from www.cnn.com (05.10.2005)
U.S. President George W. Bush says the possibility of an avian flu pandemic is among the reasons he wants Congress to give him the power to use the military in law enforcement roles in the United States.
Such a deadly event would raise difficult questions, such as how a quarantine might be enforced, he said.
"I'm concerned about what an avian flu outbreak could mean for the United States and the world," Bush said
Hmmm... i dont really care how the U.S. uses its money in domestic affairs (unless it directly affects its foreign affairs), but isn't this kind of weird? I mean, shouldn't they be focusing its action plan on the social and healthcare issues rather on the military issues?.
It bothers me because i dont think that this is a good example on how to deal with situations. Many countries take the States as an example, specially mine... specially under our current government (right wing, military oriented and continuously at the mercy of the United States)