The animal of this week is the Snail. Actually the snail is a name which refers to most members of the molluscan class Gastropoda that have coiled shells (www.wikipedia.com). The difference between snails and slugs is that the latter does not have a shell. Snails can live both on land and water (freshwater and marine), but it is important to note that most of the known snails are NOT terrestial. They move by alternating body contractions (like worms). They are slimy because they produce a kind of mucus which aids the locomotion by minimizing friction.
The largest snail in the world is the Giant African Snail. And well... I just acquired 2 (baby ones). I dont know really what i will do with them, because now i found out that these kind of snails can get to be really huge (30 cm aprox.) I cant have a 30 cm snail sliming its way around my house. So i am in a real dilemma... should i dispose of them? (no, my environmetal moral wont let me)... should i keep them? (well, it will be ok until they are f%&¤ 30 CENTIMETERS big)... what to do, what to do.... maybe i should give them away... dont know.. what to do, what to do...