On the other direction appears Uribe, the right wing hardliner who has proven to increase security and international investment in Colombia, but has been critizised lately for not having a serious wealth distribution program, which means that although the countrie´s economy is doing well, most of the profit stays inside the high classes in the country. Also, as opposed to Lula, Uribe is incredibly popular in Colombia but hated by many outside the country (specially NGOs and Human Right Movements)
Colombia should watch out. Apparently Chile´s next president will be Michelle Bachelet who, although is not an extreme lefty, will fit perfectly to south america´s new political focus together with Chavez, Lula and Kirchner (the four big fishes in South America). Is it maybe time to embrace and surf the same wave that our neighbors and brothers are taking? Carlos Gaviria could be a solution (but that will be another post... its still too early).