I also decided to check out a couple of statistics in the web that could wake me up even more (something like the extra-cold-water-bucket on my face)... this is what i found: 22% of all male deaths and 11% of all female deaths are due to smoking 25-a-day smokers are 25 times more likely to die from lung cancer than nonsmokers Within 10-15 years of giving up, an ex-smokers' risk of developing lung cancer is only slightly greater than someone who has never smoked... so i guess that after having smoked for the last 10 years of my life... i still have a chance of turning the table around... and if there is actually only one chance to live... it better be good.
Consequences of smoking:
foul smelling hair, hair loss, loss of hearing, glue ear, eye irritation, cararacts, blindmess, loss of sense of smell, reduced supply of oxygen to brain, increadsed risk of stroke, paralysis and loss of speech, headaches, nicotine hangovers, mood changes, panic attacks, gum disease and tooth loss, tobacco-stained teeth, foul-smelling breath, dimishished sense of taste, plaque and gum disease, cancers of lips, tongue, throat, larynx, oesophagus, bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, coughs and colds, wheexing, shortness of breath, asthma, tar deposits, damaged cilia, pleurisy, lung cancer, slow healing skin wounds, premature ageing and wrinkling, reduced oxygen supply to skin resulting in gray, parched appearance, tobacco-stained fingers, osteoporosis, narrowed and hardened arteries leading to arteroclerosis and gangrene (AMPUTATIONS), cold hands and feet, vascular disease, stomach ulcers, cancer of stomach, kidneys, pancreas, bladder, impotence, deformed and reduced sperm, reduced fertility, low birth-weight baby, cancer of cervix, cot death