I just arrived from my weekend in Jyväskylä, a small city (town) about 2 hours away from Tampere. The reason for the trip: Juanda's goodbye party. He is leaving tomorrow to Ethiopia for a couple of months to do his Masters Thesis. I went there with Beto and Vinas to say 'good-bye' and party for a while. The party went well but we got passed out a bit too early. The next day we went to play PAINTBALL. However, before going there I decided to finish the unfinished business that I had left the day before: TEQUILA...
A finnish guy told me that if the organizers of the game found out that I was in a 'bad-condition' (too drunk), I would not be allowed to join in. They didn't find out and guess what: I RECOMMEND IT. You sweat more, you risk yourself more, and the pain becomes painless. I did get hit many times and i have to admit that i only shot 3 or 4 guys during the whole 3 hours that we played.. but it was still 100% worth it. I got a couple of bruises: 2 in the stomach, 2 in the legs, 2 in the chest and one in the neck (straight on my 'adams apple'). It didnt hurt as much as i would have imagined, but it did leave a lot of pieces of plastic stucked in my neck and some sort of paint/blood mix (but with some water everything was ok).
So, the moral of the story is tequila + paintball = fun fun fun. But also... tequila + paintball = terrible hangover. Terrible.. I took 3 Panadols (the finnish # 1 painkiller), but they didnt do the job. Later we ate like animals and we went to Juanda's house to drink a bit more and pass out again too early.
Juanda is now on his way to Ethiopia to find a new life and probably the time of his life. We (Beto and I) will for sure miss him and hope he comes back safe and sound.. where i stress the word SOUND
Juanda is now on his way to Ethiopia to find a new life and probably the time of his life. We (Beto and I) will for sure miss him and hope he comes back safe and sound.. where i stress the word SOUND