Its getting windy in this town. Now the jacket and sweater are not an option anymore.. cant underestimate the weather because it is clear that its not getting any warmer. Work is the same, not that much joy in it but i guess that i have to be thankful for it. I still dont have a place to stay, apparently i will have to wait until November to get one (November.. fuck, in finnish it is called Marraskuu which, according to my finnish teacher, means the month of death)... cold, wet, dark and scary. I talked with mr. Uusi-rauva yesterday and i think we are getting started on my thesis pretty soon. I am still tired... but my mind is getting more clear about what i want.
In other news, i am looking forward to the decision about the reelection in Colombia. I think that it is a good idea... but i dont know if i want Uribe behind the wheel for another 4 years. As i said before, i am not sure if i am pro or against him... i am afraid of who could be his replacement.
And i absolutely agree with the letter from El Tiempo´s editor which said that only in a macondian land (tierras macondianas), a man in a wheel chair can get into an airplane with 2 hand granades and take over a commercial airline.... its somewhere between funny, ridiculous and scary... that is my Locombia.